Thursday, October 30, 2008

My Long Journey

My life long journey was started when I left home and came to Edmonton, Canada. This was a unique and surprising journey with my family.I took the first flight from Peshawar, Pakistan International Airport. This flight was 4 hours long before we reached Doha, Qatar at 3.00 P.M. Then we went to a hotel and waited for about 12 hours. We took another flight for London, which continued for about 8 hours. Then we stayed at the airport for about 6 hours and waited for another flight to Edmonton. Ultimately, we heard a bad announcement that the Edmonton flight No. Air Canada 919 had been cancelled due to some technical problems. The Engineers had the opinion that we could not take the risk of flight so we unfortunately took the flight to Toronto and thus our journey became longer. When we reached to Toronto, we heard more news that a flight was ready only for families. We took that flight and reached Edmonton after four hours. When we came to the main lounge, we saw some snow in the window, which I had never seen in my life ooh...........

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My Province

My Province Frontier.

The name of my province is Frontier.As it is clear from their name frontier mean boarder,Durand line.So my province is located on the boarder of China and Afghanistan.This boarder is about 3000 K.M.long.The land of my province is very fertile and is very famous in our country in respect of fertility.The very popular crops of our province is tobacco,sugar cane,sugar beat, Rice, maize, vegetables etc.Contribution towards (G.N.P)gross national product is about 27% form this province in agriculture sector.
Temperature of this province is very good from agriculture point of view.Temperature in summer is usually between 38c to 46c and in winter is about 10c to 22c.

Thursday, October 16, 2008