Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fasting in Islam.

Islam have five pillars.Fasting is one of them.Every mature Muslim above fourteen years will be from fasting for one month in a year and that month is called Ramadan in Islamic months. Fasting start one hour before sun rise and finished after ten minutes of sun set.In this period every type of food and drinking is prohibited.There are many objectives and advantage of these fasting.I want to explain some of them as under.
a)In medical it has good affect on health.
b)Fasting clean the body.
c)This is training for bad days.
d)This create sympathy in human beings as most of people in the world are poor and have nothing to eat.Thus due to fasting one may extend their maximum possible help and cooperation towards poor people.


zilahi adriana said...

I really, really admire people who can do this. My grandma fasted like you often but for religious reasons.
I wish I can do this but I can't.

Susan said...

But how does fasting in daylight hours only help to cleanse your body and make you healthy, if you are eating special foods and feasting when it gets dark?